The American Presidency [Podcast]

Michael WintherPodcast

LISTEN NOW Mike Winther talks about The American Presidency in this lecture given in June of 2012 in Colorado. Mike explores the oval office based on biblical principles with the thesis of the presidency not really being that important. The office of the president really isn’t that big of a deal, yet in America we make it a big deal.  He talks about how the president gets into office, what the president is supposed to do, and the constitutional duties of the president. Then he talks about mismanagement and good management. He also revisits history and shares a president he … Read More

How We Limit Civil Government [Podcast]

Michael WintherPodcast

LISTEN NOW Mike Winther talks about biblical principles for limiting civil government in this lecture given in June of 2012 in Colorado. This episode builds on the Biblical Principles of Government episode. We are also big believers in reading the classic works, so browse our book selection.  Mike talks about our civil government and principles which we use to limit civil government. He starts off with the fundamentals of family, church, and civil government. State government can be dangerous if not limited or controlled. Mike walks us through how and why we can do this based on biblical principles. You’ll … Read More

Making a Difference in Your World [Podcast]

Michael WintherPodcast

LISTEN NOW Mike Winther talks about making a difference in your world. This lecture was given in June of 2012 in Colorado. He talks about sanctifying the world the same way we try to sanctify our families. Our families should be a sanctifying influence on society.  This lecture is about how we can make a difference in our world. It’s also about how people in the past have made a difference. First, we talk about whether we can make a difference, our long-term view, the two kingdom view of Christianity, and more biblical insights. You’ll Learn: Your Resources:

High School Economics [Podcast]

Michael WintherPodcast

LISTEN NOW Mike Winther talks about the biblical principles of education. This lecture on high school economics was given in June of 2012. He covers the importance of teaching solid economic concepts beginning even earlier than high school. It’s Mike’s goal to bring awareness of how much the bible has to say about economics, government, and education. He talks about the ethical and moral issues of economics, how monetary issues are moral issues, and biblical education in financial issues.  You’ll Learn: Your Resources:

Biblical Principles of Government: The Basics [Podcast]

Michael WintherPodcast

LISTEN NOW It’s the goal of The Institute of Principle Studies to teach the biblical principles of civil government and economics. Mike Winther talks about the basics of biblical principles of government in this lecture given in June of 2012.  We need to educate our children and ourselves, so we can be informed voters and shape the world in a positive way. We want our children to be adequately prepared. We need to spend more time instructing them in government and economics. You’ll Learn: Your Resources:

Biblical Principles of Education [Podcast]

Michael WintherPodcast

LISTEN NOW Mike Winther talks about the biblical principles of education in this lecture given in June of 2012 in Colorado. This lecture is all about teaching biblical principles over practicality. Everything we do in life and every decision we make can be based on either principle or practicality.  We’ve been trained to think pragmatically as opposed to a principled fashion. When educating for the Glory of God, we need to think of principled concepts. In the Bible, we can think of things it tells us to do, and things it tells us not to do in order to make … Read More

Founding Principles in the U.S. Constitution, Part 2 [Podcast]

Michael WintherPodcast

LISTEN NOW Mike Winther continues his lecture by reviewing the key principles of whether the branches of government were elected or appointed, how the states are more represented than the people, and how the states created the federal government.  Then he continues with how biblical principles should apply or were intended to apply to our current system. This is the second part of the Founding Principles in the U.S. Constitution series delivered on July 19th, 2011 as a part of a Government and Economics Conference hosted by IPS in Modesto, California. You’ll Learn: Your Resources:

Founding Principles in the U.S. Constitution, Part 1 [Podcast]

Michael WintherPodcast

LISTEN NOW Mike Winther takes us on a little journey into studying the U.S. Constitution, but first we need to understand the proper role of government. We need to evaluate the constitution based on biblical principles and if it’s a good document; we need to defend it.  Once we decide the Constitution is a worthwhile document, then we need to learn about it. This lecture is part of an IPS Government, Economics and History Conference hosted for Christian Educators. This lecture is the first of two parts entitled Founding Principles in the U.S. Constitution. It was given on July 19th, … Read More

Civil Government and Its Limits [Podcast]

Michael WintherPodcast

LISTEN NOW Government does have a proper role, but it also needs to have limits. We’ve already established that the government can use force to make people do things, which can make the government dangerous when not limited by proper roles. Requiring force can even be a test of proper government roles. Mike Winther dives into the civil government, its proper roles, and proper limits.  This lecture was given July 19th, 2011 as part of an IPS Government and Economics Conference hosted in Modesto, California. This conference was intended for Christian educators. You’ll Learn: Your Resources:

Government Principles in Scripture [Podcast]

Michael WintherPodcast

LISTEN NOW The bible is filled with principles that help us understand what the proper role of government should be. Mike dives into some of the many principles that he has discovered during his biblical research. He starts with the nature of man, comparing the world view of Plato to the Apostle Paul.  He then goes on to talk about the nature of government, decentralization of power, god-ordained institutions, personal property, and submission and rebellion to authority. This lecture was given on July 18th, 2011 as part of an IPS Government and Economics Conference hosted in Modesto, California for Christian … Read More