Constitution Under Siege, Part 2 [Podcast]

Michael WintherPodcast

LISTEN NOW In Part Two of the Constitution Under Siege, Mike Winther discusses the foundational principles of the American system. He explores the seventh foundation principle: the sovereignty of the states. Mike explains how the states created the federal government, not the other way around, and emphasizes the importance of state control in selecting the president and the Senate.  He also talks about the idea of government authority in America. He highlights the importance of decentralizing power to combat corruption and potential loopholes in the Constitution. He also explores the three main views on interpreting the Constitution, including the living … Read More

Constitution Under Siege, Part 1 [Podcast]

Michael WintherPodcast

LISTEN NOW Mike Winther kicks off a special three-part series about the Constitution being under siege. At The Institute for Principle Studies, we have always emphasized the importance of viewing the Constitution from a perspective of principle over pragmatism and recognizing the Lordship of Jesus Christ over every area of life. By doing so, we can better understand its significance and the need to defend it. In this first part, Mike talks about the Constitution and its importance as the foundation of our country’s government. He examines how it is currently under siege from those who seek to destroy it … Read More

Silencing of the Church [Podcast]

Michael WintherPodcast

LISTEN NOW Mike Winther dives into the topic of when the church and Christians should get involved in matters of state. He kicks things off with a history refresher about the 1807 Slave Trade Act in England and the eventual abolition of slavery in England and the work of William Wiberforce.  When the church is active, society gets better. Society gets worse when the body of believers or the church is silent. Mike talks about Mathew 28, discipleship, and what discipleship includes. He asks the question of whether discipleship has anything to do with economic, social, and government issues. Then … Read More

Change Begins Outside the Ballot Box [Podcast]

Michael WintherPodcast

LISTEN NOW Mike Winther continues his mission of teaching government and economics from a biblical perspective. This lecture focuses on how change begins outside the ballot box. Mike shares how he had an early interest in government and political science. It all began with his dad who was a student of history and led to Mike majoring in political science and going on to found IPS and share these lectures. We learn about Mike’s journey from settling in California to forming a full-time ministry. Mike dives into the fundamental question behind IPS and that is what is the proper role … Read More

Addressing Poverty: Laying the Groundwork [Podcast]

Michael WintherPodcast

LISTEN NOW Mike Winther talks about laying the groundwork to address poverty. He starts off with mindset perspectives of the God ordained institutions of charity, government, church, and family. He covers the difference between principle and practically and how it affects decisions.  Practical considerations should be taken into account after we are sure none of God’s principles are being violated. Mike shares evidence behind how having full knowledge and following principles will also lead to practical benefits. These sound principle based decisions can lead to poverty reduction. You’ll Learn: Your Resources:

Poverty & the Two Economic Systems [Podcast]

Michael WintherPodcast

LISTEN NOW Mike Winther continues his lecture series on the government and economics. He stresses that the best way to understand something is to teach it. By listening to these lectures, reading, and discussing the topics with those around us, we have the ability to influence and change hearts and minds.  This lecture dives into the two economic systems of the free market and socialism. According to Mike, these are the only two economic systems and all other systems are subsets of either of these two systems. By understanding how these systems work and what they represent, we can understand … Read More

Live Not By Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents by Rod Dreher

Brian EschenBook Reviews

In our sin-plagued world, the bent of civil government is to trend towards tyranny.  This is especially true of a society that has cast off God’s total claim as the King of Kings and the Lord of Lords – a society that has become post-Christian.  In such a country, the state picks up the claim to total authority seeking to control more and more of its citizen’s lives. Rod Dreher, in his book Live Not by Lies, illustrates this truth by recounting the struggles Christians faced behind the Iron Curtain.  He draws parallels from the Soviet era to our modern … Read More

Poverty, Charity, & Healthcare [Podcast]

Michael WintherPodcast

LISTEN NOW Mike Winther dives into the pros and cons of government-funded healthcare and how it affects supply, demand, and price. This lecture was given during the Obamacare debate years. He talks about how government and insurance programs have contributed to the escalation of healthcare prices.  Insurance has made people less cautious about how money is spent. He offers solutions for making healthcare affordable and insurance appropriate so that all people can have access to affordable healthcare. This is an interesting debate that is still applicable today. You’ll Learn: Your Resources:

Direct Election of Senators [Podcast]

Michael WintherPodcast

LISTEN NOW Mike Winther talks about limiting government and where the brightline should be. The challenge of the brightline is defining it. Where is that line in the sand that separates two ends of a spectrum when enough is enough? He goes on to share examples, such as the abortion debate. He talks about society, government, and relativism.  Mike tackles the role of government and how Political Science as a discipline is about defining the proper role of government or finding the brightline. He also mentions the period of Judges in the Old Testament as a model for modern government. … Read More