The Tuttle Twins and the Road to Surfdom


The book features a beach named “Surfdom” and a road built to take travelers there… except the land was taken through eminent domain, and an entire community is harmed because of central planning gone wrong!

If ever you’ve wanted to introduce your child to the problems with unintended consequences and collectivism, this is the book!

64 pages long and full of fun, colorful illustrations. Recommended reading age: 5-11.

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History abounds with examples of government officials making decisions, well-intentioned or otherwise, that harm others. Unfortunately, these unintended consequences are never anticipated, and rarely considered once they occur. As the Tuttle Twins find in their latest adventure, central planning can ruin people’s lives. Book #5 of 12 in this Series

Nobel prize winning economist F.A. Hayek’s famous book The Road to Serfdom comes to life in this edition, showing that people get what they wish for, they often get much more than they bargained. Read along as Ethan and Emily investigate a new road built to take travelers to a beach named Surfdom—and the disruption it brings to the entire community.