Understanding Climate Change

IPS Admin

Hosted by the Values Advocacy Council in collaboration with IPS, Dr. E. Calvin Beisner, President of the Cornwall Alliance for the Stewardship of Creation, will give a talk titled, “Understanding Climate Change: Combining the Insights of Biblical Worldview, Theology, and Ethics with Science, Economics, and Politics.” In his talk, Dr. Beisner will address these and other questions: What’s really behind climate-change catastrophism? Sound science, pseudo-religious culture, or something else? Is global warming real, manmade, unprecedented, and an existential threat? How can we know? Why do global elites demand that everyone forfeit abundant, affordable, reliable energy from hydrocarbons (“fossil fuels”) for … Read More

Veterans Day

Brian EschenBlog

Much ink has been spilt—and much debate has occurred—over the question of whether it is right for a Christian to go to war.  Today, as we celebrate Veterans Day and honor the memory of those soldiers who served our country during times of war, this presents a good time to reflect on that question.  Can a Christian, in good conscience before God, go to war? This is the very question that challenged our Christian forefathers on the eve of the War for Independence.  Their position was derived from Scripture, proclaimed from pulpits, and animated them with a spirit of conviction that … Read More

Baby Formula Crisis – Economic Lessons

Brian EschenCommentaries

Oftentimes it is difficult to see the effects of government policy until a crisis reminds us just how much damage bad policy can inflict on our economy.  A current illustration of this can be found in the current baby formula supply crisis in the United States.  While there are factors outside of human control that have contributed (such as panic buying during the COVID scare and a recent bacterial infection at a production facility), government intervention in the marketplace greatly exacerbated the problem.  The intervention came in the form of “price gouging” laws and protectionism.  Let’s take a closer look … Read More