Biblical Principles of Government (2a) [Podcast]

Michael WintherPodcast


This lecture revolves around the theme of nature. Mike Winther talks about the nature of man and the nature of God. What is the true essence of man and God? He also talks about the nature or essence of government. We are in a battle of world views that include theological, political, and economic aspects.

Throughout history there has been a battle of ideas. Mike highlights how knowing ourselves and knowing our enemies helps us take a strong stance on our own worldviews and how they are related to biblical principles. He dives into telling God’s truth and being a strong part of God’s team as we go about our lives.

You’ll Learn:

  • [00:50] What is the nature or essence of man and God? What is the nature of government?
  • [01:31] There’s always been a battle of ideas.
  • [02:11] There’s been a clash of world views from Adam and Eve and all through ancient history to modern history.
  • [03:06] The Great Deceiver is out there and has always wanted to deceive us in all areas of life.
  • [04:45] Matthew chapter 16.
  • [11:48] Christians ought to be a player on God’s team.
  • [15:04] How the Gates of Hell will not prevail. Gates is a defensive tool. Satan is on the defense and won’t endure against the church. 
  • [19:26] The founding fathers established a society that believes that our rights come from God.
  • [23:49] Is our government decision-making practical or principled? Practical decision making is based upon the knowledge of man.
  • [29:00] The Judeo-Christian perspective of man having a sin nature. Plato rejected this philosophy. He believed that man was essentially good.
  • [30:46] If man is good, how do you explain evil? The answer for Plato was the environment.
  • [34:40] The flaws with Plato’s premise. Power tends to corrupt and absolute power corrupts absolutely.
  • [39:41] The tool of the civil government is the sword. Governments exist to use force. According to Washington, the government is force.
  • [41:31] People in office need to know the nature of government.
  • [42:04] Mike talks about the will of God.
  • [44:26] God shares his desires in the Ten Commandments. We learn God’s precepts, but he still allows these things.
  • [46:00] You can have great family discussions talking about the idea of decreed versus preceptive will of God. Human events can have human causes.
  • [50:24] We have an obligation to help the government take good actions.

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