The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates by Pastor Matthew Trewhella

Brian EschenBook Reviews

During this time of Covid lock-downs and restrictions, you may have read stories about or even seen firsthand local leaders such as sheriffs or city leaders ignoring and refusing to enforce those orders.  What you may not know is that this course of action is born out of Christian doctrine.  More specifically, it is called the “doctrine of the lesser magistrates” or the “doctrine of interposition.”  Pastor Matthew Trewhella in his book (now available at the IPS bookstore), The Doctrine of the Lesser Magistrates, does a tremendous job of clearly explaining the principles of Christian resistance that once were widely known … Read More

Mandatory Vaccines: A Biblical, Legal & Historical Analysis

Brian EschenEssays

Government mandated vaccinations are nothing new in our nation’s history.  However, this year has brought an increased intensity to the debate.  In order to equip Christians to respond to the challenges presented by mandated vaccinations (whether from the political leaders or places of business) IPS will answer three questions: What does the Bible say about vaccine mandates? What does the law say about vaccine mandates? What does history teach us about vaccine mandates? As we prepare to answer these questions, it is necessary to remind the reader of two truths.  First of all, IPS is neither for nor against vaccines … Read More

Vaccine Mandate Resources

IPS AdminPosts

A lot has been circulating in the news, among companies, and throughout the military about the issue of mandatory vaccination.  Within the last two months, we’ve received a substantial amount of questions about this issue. We’ve been responding to these individual questions in part, but now we’ve compiled a working list of resources to aid anyone facing mandatory vaccination. This is not an exhaustive list, but it provides a few starting points as well as groups to contact for legal help. Articles/PDFs Audio/Video Sample Exemptions Legal Help COVID Vaccines and Fetal Cells: What’s Ethical and What Isn’t? FDA Does a ‘Bait … Read More

Podcast Interview with Heidi St. John

Michael WintherAudio

In this series of podcasts, IPS President, Mike Winther, joins Heidi St. John for two episodes on the “Off the Bench” podcast and one episode on “America’s Town Hall“. You can listen to each episode below. For years, pastors have been telling their parishioners that they cannot speak about political issues, hiding behind their tax-exempt 501(c)3 status. But is that correct? Mike Winther and Heidi St. John talk about this very important topic. How did our country stray so far from the Constitution and from the intended role of government? Put simply, it is a lack of education. Mike Winther … Read More

Covid, Civil Authority & the Church

Michael WintherJournals

This issue of Principle Perspective is a much needed answer to many of the questions surrounding governmental control in regard to Covid. Critical questions like: “What is the proper role of government in a pandemic?” and “What does the Bible teach about submission to the civil authorities?” While this issue of Principle Perspective does not deal with most of the Constitutional crises created by government policies in reaction to Covid, it does help the reader develop a clear perspective that is: Biblically sound consistent in its application; and built upon some of the church history on the subject There is a lot of content … Read More

Are Christians Selfish With Our Liberties?

Michael WintherCommentaries

An IPS CommentaryBy Mike Winther, President of the Institute for Principle Studies Are Christian Selfish With Our Liberties? As the “stay-at-home” orders and other government restrictions on movement and assembly have continued, many churches have become frustrated at the limitations on their corporate worship.  As a result, many church bodies have made statements or drafted documents that are asking public officials to restore their ability to gather for congregational worship. I want to applaud these efforts.  It is important for the church to defend its God-given rights to travel, assemble, and worship.  I do, however, want to challenge all churches … Read More

What Happened to Separation of Powers?

Michael WintherCommentaries

An IPS Commentary By Mike Winther, President of the Institute for Principle Studies What Happened to Separation of Powers? Much of the news over the past six weeks has focused on the efforts of our governors and our President to contain the impact and the spread of the novel coronavirus.  There is considerable debate about whether the anti-virus measures are too restrictive, too lenient, too early, or too late. There is very little discussion, however, about whether it is appropriate for these executive branch officials to bypass their legislatures to make law. This necessitates a long overdue discussion of law-making … Read More