No Shortcut, No Compromise, No Retreat [Podcast]

Michael WintherPodcast


Is education something that should be mandatory? This question has sparked debate worldwide. A significant issue arises from the fact that people often don’t value what they’re forced into. Take, for example, the average high school student who is compelled to attend school. Similarly, many college students eagerly await graduation, with their focus not on learning or the educational process but on the obligation to be there.

In contrast, homeschoolers often exhibit a markedly different attitude, approaching education with purpose and intention. This was the central theme of a commencement speech delivered by Mike Winther at a graduation ceremony for homeschoolers. In his address, Mike imparted three pieces of advice that are not only relevant to the graduates but also to a broader audience. His inspiring speech emphasized the importance of avoiding shortcuts, not compromising on values, and never retreating in the face of challenges.

You’ll Learn:

  • [01:41] There are no shortcuts. No compromise and no retreat. 
  • [02:03] Homeschooling takes a lot of time and expense. Parents of homeschoolers pay taxes for public education, and they pay for homeschool education.
  • [02:43] There are no shortcuts. If you want the right results, you have to take the long-term course.
  • [03:10] The most dangerous attack is usually the most subtle attack.
  • [04:40] Mike shares the story of Nehemiah and rebuilding the walls while under attack.
  • [06:13] Mike shares reasons why they succeeded in spite of all the many hardships.
  • [08:33] We’ll have to make sacrifices to educate our children in a Godly way. 
  • [09:22] There are no compromises. We compromise way more often than we should.
  • [09:44] There should be no compromise when it comes to moral principles.
  • [10:14] The pilgrims founded Harvard University 20 years after they arrived here. The sole purpose was to train pastors and educators to spread the word of God.
  • [10:50] Today, Harvard is a great bastion of atheism and secularism. Why? Because somebody compromised.
  • [13:18] By 1805, Unitarians controlled the governing board of Harvard University. With compromise, the institution was given over to non-Christian theology and thought.
  • [14:36] No retreat.
  • [15:13] Gates are a defensive weapon.
  • [16:57] The ultimate threat to homeschooling is going to come from people who appear to be our friends. The biggest reason to compromise is going to be your friends.
  • [19:14] We need to be discerning and know the truth in everything we do.
  • [20:19] We need to be careful about the approaches we take and not take shortcuts or compromise God’s will.

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